Stefan Kaintoch - Webapps

Web Start


If you don't have Java Web Start available on your computer, you can download it at Sun's java site. An alternative launcher for Java Web Start is OpenJNLP.

Further Web Start applications can be started from Sun's Remote Apps Webpage or Java Web Start Demos

It is possible that you can't start the Web Start applications by clicking their links. The reason is that this site is hosted on free webspace and I don't have any influence on the web-server's configuration. Therefore I don't have a chance to set the proper mime-type but having a type-attribute in my anchors. This doesn't work with all browsers. If this happens to be true you have to download the jnlp-file and start it by hand.

DB related webapps

File related webapps

Scheduler related webapps

Entertainment related webapps

Geo/GPS/GPX/GIS related webapps

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